Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How Fast Can You Lose Weight?

Weight Loss Includes Fat, Muscle and Water

When we lose weight we don't just lose fat. We lose a combination of body fat, and muscle tissue. For example, studies show that when we diet, the weight we lose is on average 75 percent fat and 25 percent muscle. Furthermore, a relatively high percentage of this weight loss is likely to be water loss. Remember, water accounts for about 70 percent of the total body weight of an average person, with muscle tissue containing roughly 75 percent water (plus 20 percent protein and 5 percent minerals), and body fat containing roughly 50 percent water.

Factors That Affect Speed of Weight Loss

The human body does not lose weight at a regular or uniform speed. Different people reduce weight at different speeds. This is because weight reduction is dependent on various factors, including: weight; diet and lifestyle; level of physical activity; health and genes (inc. metabolic rate); the level of stress experienced.

Weight Loss is Not an Exact Science

As you can see, not only does weight loss include other things besides fat-tissue, the actual speed of weight reduction is determined by a variety of individual factors. So it's difficult, if not impossible, to give a precise answer to the question "how fast can I lose weight?" However, as a rough guide, here are some basic guidelines for maximum weight loss.

What is the Most Weight You Can Lose?

It is possible to lose anything up to about 20 pounds of weight per week, but most of this is likely to be water. It will therefore be regained as soon as normal eating resumes.

What is the Most Fat You Can Lose?

The maximum amount of body fat a healthy person can lose is about 3-4 pounds per week. Typically, only obese people are likely to be able to lose this amount of fat. By comparison, a woman of average weight (about 140 pounds) is likely to lose a maximum of about 1-1.5 pounds per week.

Why You Can't Lose More Weight

The human body is not designed to shed weight. It is designed to survive! Our basic body chemistry endures from prehistoric times, when famine, rather than obesity, was the biggest threat. This is why it won't lose excessive amounts of fat in a short period of time. In fact, if you drastically reduce your calorie-intake, your brain takes active steps to slow down your metabolism, in order to conserve calories. This is one reason why we encounter a weight loss plateau.

Side Effects of Losing Weight Too Quickly

Too rapid weight loss (eg. after bariatric surgery) can lead to unpleasant side effects. The two most common effects of over-rapid weight reduction include:
Appearance of Loose Skin
If you reduce weight too quickly, your skin does not have time to shrink to your leaner body shape. The only effective treatment for this is surgical intervention, such as Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).
Studies have shown that people who lose excessive amounts of weight very quickly, have a greater risk of developing gallstones than those who lose weight at slower speeds. Too rapid weight reduction may also cause "silent" gallstones to become active.

Weight Regain (Weight Rebound)

Sudden fast weight reduction is usually caused by artificial changes to our eating habits as a result of (eg) very-low-calorie diet plans, or bariatric surgery. Not surprisingly, this does not give us enough time to learn new eating habits. So although our physical weight may have changed, our mental approach to food and eating remains the same. In the absence of medical supervision, or other support, we commonly find ourselves unable to sustain the new dietary habits required to maintain our lighter weight, and regain all our lost weight.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Calories in Egg !

Egg Yolks

The yolk is extremely high in cholesterol, containing more than two-thirds of the recommended daily limit of 300 mg! However, the yolk has many health strengths necessary for immunity, healthy skin, nerves and vision. The yolk contains good amounts of B Vitamins, Vitamin A, iron and riboflavin.

Interesting Yolk: Many tempera paints, which artists have used for centuries, contain an egg yolk base.

Egg Whites

Egg whites are very low in calories, have no fat, no cholesterol, and are loaded with protein. The egg white is less likely than the yolk to harbor dangerous salmonella, but due to the health risks that raw eggs present, consumption is highly discouraged by medical experts.

Many athletes drink raw egg concoctions, and other than being unsafe, it is not for the 'weak at stomach' individuals.

Based on one large egg:

Egg White 17 calories

Egg Yolk 59 calories

Fried Egg 92 calories

Hard-Boiled Egg 76 calories

Poached Egg 76 calories

Scrambled Egg 100 calories (includes addition of milk in recipe)

Diet Tip

For those on a very restrictive diet, there are some wonderful health-smart egg products on the market that aid in reducing unhealthy cholesterol levels. EggBeaters is a wonderful egg substitute and if you are watching your waistline, you could reap very good results by incorporating this product into your diet.

Even though the egg is a relatively low calorie food, when one is dieting they want to cut every calorie possible to achieve maximum weight loss. To cut back on the calorie of your eggs, try using one yolk and two whites. For less than 100 calories, you've got a luscious and light meal.

Diet Pills – Burn The Fat With Minimal Effort

Do you have flabby fat on your body? Is this fat becoming the reason to embarrassment in front of friends? Do you get depressed when you look at your self in the mirror? Having a weight problem can be a cause of a lot of problems in your personal as well as personal life. There are a number of ways you can lose weight fast and easily but the main thing you need is motivation to lose weight and a will to keep it that way after you loose it.

Indulge yourself

Let me walk you through an easy way to lose some weight with diet pills. Diet pills are drug that have special fat reduction salts which help you loose weight and keep the energy level high. But eating these diet pills alone never helps; you need to take some precautions like eating low fat high protein and fiber foods. You also need to stick to a light exercise schedule to keep yourself active.

Diet pills help you out in fat reductions but one must remember that they do have a few side effects which may not pertain for a long time but initially when your body is new to these diet pills you may experience some side effects. Using diet pills under medical prescription is recommended but if your have used them before then you can even buy them off the counter.

Features of diet pills

  • Help reduce weight easily and a much faster rate.
  • The help you maintain your energy level so that you can work as usual.
  • They help to suppress your appetite as a result of which you don't get fatter while using these pills.

Working with diet pills and the right kind of motivation can help you lose weight, gain confidence and look smart. Now-a-days, you can buy these diet pills easily as they are available in all medical stores as well as on online medical stores. The price of the diet pills may vary according to the salt used and the time they take to affect you.

Susan is professional writer, who writes articles on a number of topics. This article has been written for http://www.sueshealthcenter.com sueshealthcenter.com is one of the best site for diet pills, weight loss Tips and right kind of motivation that will help you to lose weight, gain confidence and look smart

Friday, March 9, 2007

Why You Should You Burn Body Fat ?

Are you overweight? Then you probably want to lose some weight. It is obvious that youll burn body fat by increasing your metabolism. But be sure that what you burn is fat, not muscles.

Some statistics
  • After age 25, the average person in America gains one pound or more a year, which means at the age of 50 an average person is 25 pounds or more heavier than he or she was 25 years ago.

  • As you age your metabolism is slowing down, causing your body to burn less fat.

  • Without exercising regularly, the average American loses a pound of muscle each year.

  • A minority of Americans exercise in a significant way, which means less than 50 minutes of exercise per week. Two out of five Americans do not exercise at all.

Motivations for weight loss
  • Most people's primary motivation for weight loss is to improve their appearance.

  • Other motivational factors are the many health benefits of proper nutrition and regular exercise.

Why obesity is dangerous

Reduction of excess body fat plays a vital role in maintaining good health and avoiding disease. Medical evidence shows that obesity poses a significant threat to health as well as to longevity:. Excess body fat is connected to
  • heart disease

  • cancer

  • diabetes

  • gall bladder disease

  • gastro-intestinal disease

  • sexual dysfunction

  • osteoarthritis

  • stroke
Why is excess body fat linked to heart disease?
  • About 4/5s of deaths caused by heart disease and cancer, are linked to life-style factors, inactivity included.

  • Your heart has to work harder to pump blood to the lungs and to the extra fat throughout your body. Therefore it takes more energy for you to breathe. This extra workload might cause your heart to become enlarged and high blood pressure and life-threatening erratic heartbeats might be the consequences.

  • Overweight people often also have high cholesterol levels, making them more likely to develop arteriosclerosis. When blood vessels are so narrow that vital organs like the heart, kidneys or brain dont get enough blood, this becomes life-threatening.

  • It might go without saying, but the narrower the blood vessels become, the harder your heart has to pump, which results in increased blood pressure. High blood pressure itself poses several health risks, like heart attack, stroke and kidney problems.
Does excess body fat cause cancer?
  • In general, research has linked cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens) to excess, actually as a storage place for these.

  • Excess fat has been linked to a higher rate of breast and uterine cancer for women

  • Excess fat has been linked to colon and prostate cancer for men.
How is excess body fat related to diabetes?
  • There is a delicate balance between the relative amount of body fat, the level of blood sugar and the hormone we call insulin.

  • Excess blood sugar is stored in the liver and other vital organs, and converted to fat as soon as these organs have got what they need of it.

  • The pancreas of overweight people often produces more and more insulin. The problem is however, that the body is not able to utilize this to regulate its blood sugar levels.

  • This poor regulation of blood sugar and insulin causes an inbalance in the system, which results in diabetes. This disease may in its turn cause heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, amputation, and death.
How Reducing Body Fat Reduces Disease Risk

At an American University, researchers studied a sample of people following a certain weight management program. This study showed
  • decreased HDL cholesterol levels

  • decreased triglyceride levels

  • decreased blood pressure

  • increased waist-to-hip ratio

  • an active lifestyle can slow or stop the disease process for most people, even those with a history of heart disease in the family.
Other studies have shown that programs that includes
  • regular physical activity

  • low-fat diets

  • stress reduction

  • reverse heart disease processes.
while other studies shows that reducing body fat through an active lifestyle and low fat diets mean reduced risk for
  • prostate cancers for men

  • breast and uterine cancers for women

  • non-insulin dependent diabetes for both genders.
So, what shall I do?

You have to change to a new lifestyle, by committing yourself to a long term process that gradually will lead you to a healthier life. This process requires persistence and patience, especially in the beginning. If you stay persistent, your new lifestyle will automatically take over, and it will become natural for you. This process will contain
  • moderate, long term fat loss

  • aerobic exercise

  • strength exercise
Here is the benefits 90 percent of overweight people following this advice has gained:
  • improved heart function

  • improved blood pressure

  • improved glucose tolerance

  • improved cholesterol levels

  • lowering requirements for medication

  • eight times less likely to die from cancer than the unfit

  • 53 percent less likely to die from other diseases than the unfit

  • eight times less likely to die from heart disease than the unfit people.
But, how can I get started?

The first phase in such a process has shown to be the hardest it is here most people drop out. The longer you stay in the process, the more likely you are to succeed. And trust me; after you - by means of persistency and patience - have passed this critical start phase, the fun and excitement you gradually will experience will make the change well worth the effort.
  • You must make the decision to commit to this lifestyle changing process

  • If you ever feel tempted to skip it for a day or even give up, confront yourself with your commitment, and go on.
By Terje Brooks Ellingsen

Weight Loss For Beginners !

The key to permanently losing weight is simple: burn more calories than you consume! That's it! If your body is burning 2500 calories a day, you simply need to burn MORE than that in order for your body to start burning off your bodyfat.

But 2500 calories is alot of calories!

Actually not really! Considering your body is burning calories 24 hours a day, 7 days a week just to maintain it's essential functions. That means while you're watching TV, playing video games, even SLEEPING your body is burning calories.

On average, a good estimate of total daily calories burned at rest can be determined by bodyweight x 15. So for a 150 pound male, 150 x 15 = 2250 calories. 2250 calories a day just sitting around! Imagine that!

But before we get into anything too complicated, lets take a step back and take a look at some of the basics for maintaining a healthy body. Now, these are some of the most important, but unfortunately most overlooked aspects of losing weight and getting into shape.

Water: Yes, that's right, water. You should be drinking at least a gallon of water a day. Don't feel silly carrying around a full jug of water in the gym, it's extremely beneficial. Your body carries out thousands of processes using water, so you want to make sure that you're getting enough of it. It flushes out toxins, carries vitamins and nutrients throughout the blood, and also helps to reduce water retention. So drink up!

Vitamins: Taking your vitamins everyday is hands down the most important part of being healthy. A large majority of people do not get the amounts of vitamins and minerals they need, and getting all of the recommended amounts from food alone would result in eating a ridiculous amount. So, instead of cramming down plate after plate of food, just take a daily multi vitamin instead!

Sleep: Just like most people don't get enough vitamins and minerals, a large majority of people don't get enough sleep either. Many people do not understand the benefits from constantly getting a solid 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Not only will you be energized throughout the day, but if you are lifting weights, sleep is essential to adding muscle. During sleep, your body releases growth hormones that aid your body in reparing muscles used during your workouts. So sip down a cup of warm milk (also a good source of protein) and hit the hay!

So now that we've gone over the basics, you're ready to tackle the 3 most valuable weapons in the battle of the bulge: Diet and Nutrition, Cardiovascular Exercise, and Weight Training. Just three more steps and you're ready to lose weight like you've always wanted to!

In order to successfully lose weight quickly and permanently, you need to get your diet in check. Weight loss is almost impossible without some adjustments to your diet. No need to fret. A diet isn't an ordeal to survive, it's a way to achieve that body you've always dreamed of. A diet is simply what you eat day in, day out. A diet isn't a temporary fix to a permanent problem. To successfully lose weight, you'll need to alter the way you eat. It's no wonder people who go on quick-fix diets often gain all the weight back (sometimes more). As harsh as it sounds, you need to change your relationship with food. But don't worry, with time, there are plenty of healthy foods out there that taste great and will still aid you in losing weight. And besides, after a while you'll really start to notice how much better you feel with a steady supply of nutrient rich foods going into your body. So let's get started!

For optimum performance and health, your body needs an adequate supply of healthy carbs, protein, and healthy fats. Here are some examples of each.

Healthy Carbs:

  • Oats
  • Brown Rice
  • Potatoes
  • Yams
  • Granola
  • Whole Wheat Bread
  • Beans (any kind will do)
  • All vegetables and fruits
  • Protein:
  • Lean meats such as chicken, lowfat beef, fish, and turkey
  • Low Fat Milk
  • Low Fat Cottage Cheese
  • Canned Tuna Fish
  • Any whey or soy protein supplements
  • Healthy Fats:
  • Nuts (almonds, peanuts, walnuts)
  • Olive Oil
  • Flax Seed Oil
  • Avacados

Natural Peanut Butter (also a good source of protein)

And now I'm sure some of you are wondering: "Wait, I thought carbs and fat were bad?". The answer, which may shock and appall you, is NO! Well, in some cases yes. Some carbs are bad (aka: sugar and processed junk) and some fats are bad (trans fats and most saturated fats). But good, complex carbs (such as oats, whole wheat products, veggies and fruits) are what your body thrives on. They are great for energy as well as heart health and maintaining a healthy. Healthy fats are good for the brain and the production of hormones as well as great for a healthy heart. DO NOT LISTEN TO THOSE FAD DIET EXPERTS WHO CLAIM THAT CARBS ARE THE ENEMY! THEY ARE W R O N G!!!

Now that we know what kinds of food to eat, the next logical question is "how much"? A simple rule of thumb for healthy weight loss is 10-12x your bodyweight in calories. So someone weighing 180bs would need to eat between 1800 and 2160 calories a day in order to lose weight. This ensures your body gets the nutrition it needs to stay healthy, but also taps into your fat stores to get you in the shape you want!

Cardiovascular exercise, or "cardio", as most people tend to call it, is a great way to burn some extra calories and lose weight. You see, anything that gets your heart rate elevated will cause your body to burn calories at a higher rate. The more calories you burn throughout the day, the more fat your body is capable of burning off and therefore the more weight you can lose.

It's not wonder marathon runners, swimmers, and most professional sports players are so slim and fit! They don't go a day without doing some kind of cardiovascular exercise for an extended period of time. In addition to the physical benefits of cardio (aka: WEIGHT LOSS) there are many mental benefits. Obviously losing weight and looking better will do wonders for your phsyche, but it's also been proven that exercise in general releases serontonin, a powerful hormone that may be the closest thing to a "natural" antidepression. It makes you feel great! It's easy to spot too, after you get done working out or doing a long jog, you'll instantly feel uplifted and just plain happy!

So throw on those running shoes and hit the pavement! Here are some fun ways to get your cardio...

  • Running
  • Walking
  • Bicycling
  • Hiking
  • Rock Climbing
  • Running Stairs

These fun activities will more than suffice to burn extra calories, which is your overall goal in the battle of the bulge. In addition to the calories that you'll burn while doing cardio, an added benefit is that your body will burn more calories throughout the day. An intense cardio session can cause your metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories) to stay elevated for up to a day and a half! So while your sitting down watching TV, cooking dinner, or even sleeping, your body is burning calories faster and destroying the fat you've been dying to get rid of!

So you see, in the quest for losing weight and getting fit, cardiovascular exercise is an excellent tool. Not only do you get the benefits of burning calories, you also experience the effects of a raised metabolism up to 35 hours after the cardio session! You simply can't go wrong! Try to fit in a 20-30 minute cardio sessions 2-3 times a week to begin, and then once your body is ready step it up to 4-5 times a week.

And on a personal note, it's a great feeling once you've completed a long, grueling cardio session (such as a long jog, hike, or some quality time with the stairmaster). Just the feeling of being drenched in sweat, and the knowledge that you're a little less fat, and a little less closer to that body of your dreams than you were when you started your cardio. Great way to think of it, huh?

Many people shy away from this portion of the fitness journey, but weight lifting plays a key role in your body's abilityto burn fat and lose weight. You see, muscle burns calories to maintain itself. A pound of muscle can burn between 30-50 calories a day. By lifting weights, thus adding muscle, you can greatly optimize your ability to burn calories and as we've discussed earlier burning extra calories is key to burning fat and losing weight.

It's a good idea not to try and overdo it when starting out. A first time lifter can experience soreness like they've never felt before. It's always good to find a balance between pushing yourself, and knowing your limits. So to start out, try lifting 2-3 times a week, giving your body adequate time to recover. Start doing full body workouts, utilizing all major muscles.

Let me just add one simple thing. If you're lifting weights hoping to add muscle, you're going need to have you diet in check. Muscles are made out of protein and water, so it should be common sense to incorporate many high protein foods (meats, milk, cottage cheese, ect...) in your daily diet.

However, it's hard (and not to mention expensive) to buy and eat all that food. That's why there are protein supplements! Protein bars and powders are a great way to get that extra amount of protein your muscles need to be big and strong! Just mix the powder with milk or water for a great protein drink. Protein bars are a great option for those of you with "on-the-go" lifestyles are don't have alot of time to prepare and pack the meals you need. You can purchase them at nearly any grocery store or health food store. Purchasing online is a great advantage and will save you money!

Even if at first the soreness might turn you away from a vigorours weight lifting regiment, the long lasting benefits of lifting weights greatly outweight the occasional soreness. Gaining muscle, losing fat, and gaining strength are just a few of the many benefits from pumping irons. Pretty soon, the rush of adrenaline you from lifting will lure you back to gym day after day! Weight lifting is key to success in acheiving permanent weight loss, so grab a dumbell or two and start lifting!

Well there you have it, you have a great start on the journey to weight loss and a better body! Good luck!

Steve Urbick is a self-taught fitness guru. By accumulating knowledge from various internet weight loss and fitness sites, Steve has successfully helped others change their body for the better.

Water - for Healthy Weight Loss

Are You Interested in Healthy Weight Loss?

An abundant daily intake of pure‚ healthy water is absolutely essential for healthy weight loss. A healthy increase in clean water will enhance nutrient absorption‚ the hydration of your skin, weight loss, detoxification and every healthy and necessary function of your body.

Drinking clean, uncontaminated water is the most essential action you can take every day to keep your body healthy inside and out. What is not as well known is that it is also absolutely essential for healthy, sustained weight loss. Here’s why:

Fat Metabolism

Healthy weight loss, meaning the loss of unnecessary fat rather than the loss of healthy muscle tissue, results when our liver converts stored fat into usable energy. Our liver’s ability to metabolize fat and actually shed excess fat is directly related to the amount – and quality – of the water we drink every day. Without enough water, the liver is not able to perform this function. And to be very clear, if the liver is not able to perform this function, no amount of exercise to burn calories or reduction of calories consumed will result in fat loss. Not only is water necessary for the liver to function at all, but increasing the amount of clean, healthy water we drink can accelerate the process of fat metabolism significantly.


An increase in water intake will also naturally suppress the appetite and aid in digestion and assimilation of nutrients. When not enough water is consumed, the large and small intestines are impaired in their ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients. Even if a person is eating healthy, nutrient rich foods, their body will not be getting the full benefit of those nutrients if they cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream. And since food cravings are often a result of nutrient deficiencies, this can also create a further obstacle to sustained and healthy weight loss.

Metabolism and Detoxification

Just as an increase in intake of clean water will naturally accelerate fat metabolism and decrease appetite, it will just as naturally speed up the body’s overall metabolism. Each and every function of the body, at the cellular level, requires an abundant intake of water. The more water available, within reason, the more quickly and efficiently the body can perform all of its millions of processes. Most specifically, detoxification or the removal of waste from the body’s tissues requires a regular and abundant supply of clean, uncontaminated water. It must be understood that each and every cell of the body produces cellular waste. This waste must be removed regularly and efficiently to prevent toxic build up in the tissue. Without an abundant supply of water, cellular waste builds up in the tissue, creating a toxic and unhealthy environment for the cells, and also impairing their ability to absorb nutrients from the bloodstream. This can be another cause of chronic nutrient deficiency and the nagging food cravings which result from it.

Clean Water

Why is it necessary that the water you drink be free of contaminants? Our bodies do have considerable ability to filter toxins and contaminants out of water, but this water filter process is primarily performed by the liver. The more we use the liver as a water filter to filter chlorine, lead and other contaminants out of the water we drink, the less time it can put into converting excess body fat into energy. So the cleaner and healthier the water we drink, the more we are supporting our liver to perform the fat metabolizing we need for healthy and sustained weight loss. Bottled water varies widely in quality, and is often no more free of contaminants than tap water. A quality home water filter is the best way to provide clean, quality water to your body.

How Much Water?

How much water is necessary? There are varying opinions on this subject. Many recommend six to eight glasses of water a day. Common sense suggests that there is no single amount of water that is right for all people under all circumstances. Surely a 250 pound 6’3" person in 100 degree temperatures needs more water then a 140 pound person of 5’2" in a more temperate 70 degree environment. Fortunately, common sense also suggests an easy and reliable "rule of thumb" for gauging your water intake that will adjust for changes in season, temperature and even exercise level. Quite simply, the amount of color in the urine our bodies produce is, in most cases, an accurate way to judge if we are drinking enough water. Unless there is reason to suspect some condition which would affect the color of urine, such as jaundice, simply noticing the color of urine and adjusting water intake accordingly is an excellent way to make sure to get the right amount of water. If the urine is very dark, your body clearly needs more water. Increase the amount of clean, filtered water you drink over a period of several days until the urine is consistently very light in color. In almost all circumstances, this is a good indication that you are giving your body the amount of water it needs, and you will be well on your way to healthy weight loss.

Water is the Key

For fat metabolism, appetite suppression, improved digestion and assimilation of nutrients and overall metabolism, an abundant supply of clean, healthy water every day is absolutely essential for safe, effective and sustained weight loss.

This article is presented by Ann Hession, owner of Great Water Now. Great Water Now is dedicated to providing quality information about water and health and promoting the use of home water filters for health and longevity.

By Ann Hession

Best Diet for Weight Loss !

Some thing tasty and yummy and yet you lose weight……

All the best diet plans are based on restrictions on carbohydrates, fats and high calorie products. During diet plans you can take fruits, green leafy vegetables, roughages and foodstuffs having less calories.

Top Diet Plans:

The Cabbage Soup diet has been used by dieters for years. This diet includes many versions but the simple one is that if you eat cabbage soup when you are hungry it will fill you up and will help you stay on low calorie diet. While you are on cabbage soup diet you must not take oily, fatty foodstuffs. This diet has very low calories. Therefore cabbage diet is among the best diets to lose weight.

The Sonoma diet was first prepared by Dr. Connie Gutterson. This diet includes antioxidant vegetables, juicy fruits like blueberries, spinach, whole grains and little almond oil. You can even add a glass of red wine. Sonoma diet is also approved as one of the best diets to lose weight.

Slim Fast diet is very helpful in controlling hunger for more than four hours. Slim fast diet is balanced, nutritional and rich in calcium and proteins. The Slim-Fast Diet plan is planned for dieter to take six times in day. You can add fruits, yogurt and cottage cheese. Fresh vegetables, meats and nuts are also a part of slim fast diet. It is not only diet cautious but also gives you a good flavor and taste. It can be considered as the best diet plan to lose weight especially for teenagers.

Negative calorie diet is less of a diet and more like diet helper. It consists of a list of foodstuffs whose net calorie account is less than total calories taken to digest them. These include high roughages, low fats, fruits and vegetables. Roughage is key content of negative calorie diet. The calorie output here is negative thus it will help losing weight.

By Oliver Turner

Most Foods to Avoid When on Diet !

Today, there are several diets publicized in books and on the internet, it is difficult to choose. Here we are not going to look at foods to eat but foods to avoid on any diet.

A common sense way to understand which diet is best is to see which one fits your own personal choices for life-style and natural (we stress the word, "natural" not synthetic) tastes.

We all have our likes and dislikes…many of which from a child passes with us all our lives.

Today’s commercial world, and international food and beverage business is about as responsible for the obesity problem as the tobacco company’s are for lung cancer. When you are on a diet, or if you wish to be your ideal weight, you must avoid the general choices below.

•Any "processed" food. ANY…this means food that has been treated in an industrial way. These foods contain additives and chemicals that disturb your natural processes of digestion and elimination. In this category, you can think of any food from a can, or one that can stay on a supermarket shelf more than one month.

•Any and all fast foods. These are perhaps the worst offenders, as they somehow taste great when you are hungry, you eat them quickly, and they contain all the ingredients you don’t need or your body wants; such as transfats, incorrect food combinations (cola drinks with proteins and carbohydrates), and an excess of calories.

An average fast food meal is about 1,000 or more calories. It is often more, and leaves you hungry in about 2 hours.

•Any "deep-fried" foods. This includes the famous potato, but can also include fried meats (such as fried chicken), and some sweets, such as the donut or many oriental-type sweets. These kill your diet, raise insulin levels in the blood, and there is no way to lose weight.

•All polysaturated and animal fat. We do not say to you to eliminate fat, just eat the correct ones. These are found in fish, some vegetables and some dairy products (where omega-3 oils have been incorporated to the dairy animal’s feed).

•White Flour. There is nothing in it good for you, nothing. Whole wheat or other whole grains are another story. Eat them as you wish, but NO white flour.

It is a dead food itself, and only causes unbalances in your digestive system. White flour was invented as it does not spoil, where whole grains do. The bugs know which is best to eat. They eat the whole grains and not bleached processed white flour.

•White Sugar. As its carbohydrate cousin above, white sugar also has very little or no nutritional value.

There are so many healthy alternatives to it, and although sweet, these natural sugars are easily digested in your system as they are natural as you are natural.

•Mayonnaise and its Derivates. Although very tasty, and makes the food you eat it with so as well, the mayonnaise is heavily processed, usually with the cheapest oils, mostly transfatty ones, and full of preservatives.

Also mayonnaise is made from eggs, and commercially treated to withstand the age process on the supermarket shelf. It will not help you diet, and in fact, it is not good for you at all. If you make it yourself however, and eat it sparingly, that is another matter.

• Caffeinated Drinks. This includes coffee, dark tea, the cola drinks, chocolate, and the new power drinks that are appearing in nightclubs, supermarkets and gyms.

The caffeine (or similar chemical found in tea and chocolate) disturbs your metabolism, and will prevent the natural slimming process when you are dieting.

There are many other foods to both avoid and enjoy, but the above list is generally agreed to by most dieticians.

When you are NOT dieting, you can certainly eat these foods, but it is advised to do so sparingly as to remember you had dieted, lost weight, and now, why gain it back.

By sacha tarkovsky

Yoga Positions – A Few Tips

Yoga positions and the practice of yoga can be beneficial to your mind, your muscles, and even internal functions like your digestive system. With so many benefits, it is no wonder that yoga’s popularity is on the rise. Before you take it up, though, it is a good idea to have in mind the right information to help you succeed and get the most out of the experience. Take these yoga tips into account as you begin your physical, mental, and spiritual journey.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice your positions often. Yoga offers many benefits to your mind, body, and spirit, and these benefits may be maximized with regular practice on your own in addition to your classes and with your teacher. As a beginner, it is especially important that you practice so that you may see and feel the benefits early on. With yoga, the frequency with which you work on your positions is as important if not more so than the length of the practice sessions. Try to find a few minutes each day to do a little bit of yoga.

Make sure that you practice your poses correctly. Most anything you read, watch, or listen to about yoga will tell you to practice often, but one of the yoga tips that sometimes get skipped is that you must practice right. Make sure that each practice session extends you. Do not practice only your best poses, but also work on poses you struggle with as well. Such a practice will be more productive and give you the feeling of self-assurance that you seek with yoga.

Maximizing Your Potential

One of the more important tips for beginners is to let go of your ego. In order to fully maximize your yoga experience, you must forget about such things as impressing your teacher and classmates. One of the central ideas of yoga is self-study. To fully study yourself, you must try not to compare yourself to the teacher or other students, but instead, you should strive to maximize your own learning and improvement during each class and practice session.

Finding Yourself

During practice, remember what is important. The depths of your poses are not nearly as important as how deep you delve into yourself. In yoga, you learn about your inner attention. Be sure to use that attention when practicing and when with your instructor to get the most out of your poses even if you cannot get deeply into them physically.

Finding the Right Teacher

No number of yoga positioning tips can compete with having the right teacher. When selecting a yoga teacher, make sure you find someone with whom you feel comfortable. Your instructor should have good knowledge and work through compassion and respect for you as a person. No matter how many books you read or tapes you watch, you will never get the feedback and encouragement that you will with the right teacher.

As a beginner in yoga, there are undoubtedly times that you feel a bit lost. That is okay. Hopefully, though, with these tips you will have an idea of what you need to do to feel more successful in your yoga experience. Yoga is not a religion, but in some ways it does become a way of life, and by following these tip you can start your journey toward that way of life on the right foot.

By Rebecca Prescott

Beginner Yoga Guide

You can underachieve your way to yoga mastery...

There's a great danger when you start any kind of exercise program or even any kind of self development program that you try to do too much too soon.

It's important to understand that your body, your mind and your emotions will adapt to the pressure you put on them.

Your body will bend to a certain point.

Your mind will stretch.

But if you push too far too soon something will break.

Injuring yourself or "flipping out" mentally or emotionally is counterproductive.

That's why one of the greatest yoga secrets is that you can "underachieve" your way to yoga mastery.

You can underachieve in the development of your body.

Your can underachieve in the development of your conscious awareness and the process of calming your thoughts.

You can underachieve in the process of letting go of your emotions and becoming more calm, peaceful and balanced.

It's okay to underachieve.

In fact underachieving is pure common sense.

In our modern world we're trained pushed and cajoled to do more, be more, work harder, work smarter, and move faster.

It's like we're trying to raise a culture of supermen and superwoman.

Yet we've forgotten that the greatest secret to building strength is not pushing up 200 pound weights today in some ego based testosterone blast of unprepared folly.

In ancient times they understood you have to give your mind and your body a chance to adapt.

Milo of Kroton became one of the strongest men in the history of ancient Greece by lifting a bull calf every day when he was a boy.

Milo kept lifting that calf onto his shoulders day after day.

As Milo grew older so did the calf.

As he reached his teens Milo was lifting a fully grown adult-sized-bull onto his shoulders.

Now think about this story and the way you approach your yoga practice.

If Milo tried to lift a full grown bull onto his shoulders when he was a boy he would've done himself an injury.

And this is exactly what many people do when they start practicing yoga.

They try to "lift the bull" in their first class or in their first meditation practice.

If you do too much too soon you'll blow out.

But if you follow Milo's example and give yourself a chance to adapt gradually you can do nearly anything.

Always stay well within your capacity.

When you practice yoga, be aware of your body and the quality of your breath – they will give you signs... both good and bad

Be on high alert for bad signs so you don't do any damage to yourself.

Be on alert for good signs so you can key into the things that are really useful and beneficial for your practice.

From your body you may sense feelings of ease, power, vitality, harmony (good signs)... or possibly pain, pulling, tension, and discomfort (bad signs).

STOP if you have pain or serious discomfort.

If it's a minor problem you can re-evaluate what you're doing, make changes and start again.

Find the movements that bring you stability, ease, and strength.

Sensations of working and stretching can be good as long you don't overdo it. When in doubt, underacheive.

It's exactly the same when you work on calming your thoughts and emotions.

Don't get upset if thoughts and emotions come.

Just accept them.

Here's a mind-bender.

Don't even get upset if you get upset at your thoughts and emotions.

Just accept where you're at.

It's alright.

You don't have to be superhuman.

Let go of the whole idea of getting anywhere physically, mentally and emotionally and embrace and accept exactly where you are right now.

When you're growing up you have to take baby steps before you can walk.

Developing your yoga practice is the same.

Just be at peace with where you're at now, take it step by step and underachieve your way to yoga mastery.

By Andrew Cavanagh

Lower Your Cholesterol with Natural Nutritients

Lowering cholesterol without the negative side effects of cholesterol drugs is quite possible now thanks to a new generation of nutritional supplements that couple traditional nutrients with the latest research to reach new levels of effectiveness.

There are several nutrients with both solid scientific documentation of effectiveness, and traditional "anecdotal" evidence built up over hundreds of years of use in the worlds oldest healing tradition.

One of these nutrients is policosanol, a natural nutrient extracted from sugar cane, rice bran and bee’s wax. This nutrient has solid research documentation and is proven to lower cholesterol even more effectively than statin drugs, without negative side effects, and it does not increase blood sugar levels.

Since cholesterol is necessary for many important body functions, when lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol it’s critical to maintain a balance between LDL and HDL cholesterol, which is considered to be the "good" cholesterol.

In clinical studies policosanol has been proven to maintain the balance between LDL and HDL, significantly decreasing total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.

Policosanol vs, the statin drug Lovastatin (Mevacor)

In a study comparing Policosanol with the statin drug Lovastatin (Mevacor) over the course of 12 weeks, Policosanol was found to be superior at lowering LDL cholesterol while raising HDL.

The results of the study show that policosanol reduced total blood cholesterol by 14.2% compared to Lovastatin’s 14.0% reduction.

Policosanol also reduced LDL (bad) Cholesterol by 20.4% next to Lovastatin’s 16.8% reduction, and raised HDL (good) by 7.5% where Lovastatin showed no change.

Finally, the overall ratio of LDL to HDL reduction was 23.7% for Policosanol and 14.8% for Lovastatin.

As you can see from these results, policosanol is one of the safest and most effective ways to lower cholesterol without the dangers and uncomfortable side effects of cholesterol drugs.

But remember that these results apply only to the genuine policosanol extracted from sugar cane wax which is produced in Cuba.

When considering a supplement containing policosanal you should be aware that there are many products on the market that are using an incomplete form of policosanol called octacosanol. Octacosanol will not give the results outlined in the clinical trials mentioned.
Also, some products have come on the U.S. market claiming to be effective at lowering cholesterol, but often these products use policosanal manufactured from beeswax. Like octacosanol, this form of policosanal is not supported by research as being effective at reducing cholesterol.

Some more health issues that policosanal helps with are thrombosis, angina pectoris, stroke, high blood presssure and atherosclerosis.

It has also been shown in studies to be very safe. In one such study rats were given a daily dose 2,000 times in excess of the recommended levels with no negative effects.
Another herb used for thousands of years in the ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda is Guggul (also called Guggulipid). This herb has been proven in recent clinical trials to outperform the statin drugs, with no negative side effects.

Guggulipid is the extract of the gum resin of the Commiphora mukul tree, which is native to India. Guggulipid is used for lowering high cholesterol, arthritis, atherosclerosis, acne, skin diseases, and weight loss.

As well as lowering cholesterol, other evidence suggests guggul extracts might have anti-inflammatory activity and may also lower lipoprotein and C-reactive protein, which are important risk markers for heart disease.

Tips For Choosing Yoga Training Courses

Yoga in Western countries may have started life as a something of a hippy niche, but over the last 20 years, it has entered the mainstream at a phenomenal rate. With this popularization of an ancient Indian tradition, there has been a huge growth in organizations offering yoga teacher training. Gone are the days when students had to travel to India to gain qualifications. But the plethora of courses has created its' own problems - not least in the question of quality and whether a course is recognized by the appropriate local and international associations. The prospective student must also ask themselves a number of important questions, the most fundamental of which is the type of yoga they wish to be trained in. But also, the wider question of what direction they wish to take their training in once completed. This article will address all of these points, and help provide a framework with which students may better choose amongst the many courses offered.

There are more styles of yoga available today than there has possibly been ever. Some represent a continuation of older traditions, that are relatively unchanged. This includes hatha yoga, and styles by Desikachar and Iyengar. Others represent a synthesis of different methods, even whilst being shrouded in mystical origins. For example, some have suggested that Ashtanga yoga is not derived from the yoga Korunta, but from a synthesis of traditions that may have included early acrobatics!

Some styles of yoga are very modern, and evolved more out of an adaptation to the West. Bikram yoga is a good example of this - and perhaps a very extreme one, given that Bikram copyrighted 'his' yoga poses and they way they were taught, despite yoga being essentially in the public domain.

Most people who train as teachers in yoga do so in a discipline that they have been practising already. This does make logical sense, as it's important to be passionate about what you do for a living. There is the additional experience that people will have with a particular style of yoga that no doubt makes it easier than starting from scratch in a different style.

But other issues may come into play when choosing a yoga school. Is the style of yoga you like well supported in your area? Is there sufficient demand for that style? Understanding who these particular styles of yoga appeals to will help later on when you set up your own yoga business, as it will guide your marketing, choice of location, logo, and business identity. It's worth thinking a little bit about these things before you make a time and financial commitment to getting qualified.

Finding out whether your course is accredited nationally and internationally is an important step. There are various governing associations at different levels around the world. For example, in the UK there is the British Wheel Of Yoga. In Australia, the government keeps a list of accredited training courses through the Australian National Training Authority. For a yoga specific association, try the Yoga Teachers Association of Australia. Globally, there is the International Yoga Teachers Association, which is available in many countries. There is also the American Yoga Association, Yoga Scotland, and the European Union Of Yoga.

Each of these organizations may have different standards by which they measure courses. But they do provide a good guideline for selecting providers with a minimum level of professionalism, integrity, and quality. You could look at contacting teachers who have gone through their training to find out what they thought of the course, and perhaps go to a few of their classes to get a feel for what is being taught.

Before going into any course, it's a good idea to have some sense of the bigger picture. For example, are you looking at combining yoga with other healing modalities, such as massage, nutrition, meditation, or some combination of all of these. There are some teaching colleges that integrate yoga with other modalities, both locally and abroad in India. For the sake of continuity, and ease of integration, it may be easier to look at this before any study is actually done. It may prove easier to study with an all-in-one provider who will provide a clearer way to integrate these different aspects of health.

In some ways, this broad integration of yoga with health is more closely aligned with the true nature of yoga, according to some teachers such as Desikachar. But Indian style yoga is not the only one that offers this approach, with the Japanese ki, or Ki yoga often integrated with macrobiotics and shiatsu.

If you're interested in going more deeply into yoga training for your own personal practice, as opposed to a prelude to teaching, studying abroad can be a truly rewarding experience. If you're looking for teaching qualifications, it may be wiser to choose an institution in your own country, at least initially. Because it should be adapted to Western learning styles, the structured environment it provides will be easier to learn in.

Yoga training can be intensely rewarding, and life changing in many ways. Provided you choose a course that is accredited, in a style of teaching you like, and that has good community support, it could be the start of a great new career.

By Rebecca Prescott

Top 5 Natural Ways To Reduce Your Blood Pressure

1. Try Yoga: Yoga is a great way to reduce stress, which contributes to high blood pressure. But there are some poses in particular recommended for those wanting to level out their blood pressure. These include:

* forward bends like virasana and upavista konasana, which are both sitting postures.
* horizontal asanas which allow the heart beat to slow down when they are practised slowly and rhythmically
* asanas like uttanasana and adhomukha savasana

2. Regular exercise: It doesn't have to be yoga. Any regular exercise like walking, biking or gardening is great for lowering blood pressure. Your physician will be able to give you an exercise plan that suits your heart condition and physical fitness levels. It's important not to overdo it too quickly. Tai chi is actually an excellent way to reduce blood pressure. Like yoga, it is relaxing, rhythmical, a stress reducer, and has great benefit on the nervous and parasympathetic systems within the body.

Having a regular exercise program may even reduce your need for blood pressure medication.

3. Eat more bananas! Bananas are high in potassium, which is great for reducing high blood pressure. Other dietary improvements include eating more fruit and vegetables generally. Studies have found 8 servings of fruit and vegetables daily to be preferable, with these having a particular benefit for cardiovascular health:

* Lettuce
* spinach
* cauliflower
* cabbage
* broccoli
* swiss chard
* citrus fruits

And when these changes are combined with exercise, there are more significant improvements in blood pressure.

4. Make sure you get your folic acid: A study by the Harvard Medical School looked at the benefits of folic acid on blood pressure, and found it to be highly beneficial, particularly amongst younger women. It seemed to have a protective effect against high blood pressure. Younger women who took at least 1mg of folic acid a day lowered their risk of hypertension by 46%. Older women who had reasonable amounts of folic acid daily lowered their risk by 18%. The study was conducted on 156,000 nurses, 19,720 of whom had high blood pressure.

5. Blessed chocolate: Dark chocolate, and foods and supplements that had high levels of cocoa including chocolate confectionary, cocoa sandwich filling and drinks, have been found to be associated with a lower blood pressure and reduced risk of dying from any cause in a small study conducted on 470 elderly men (they were on average 72 7ears old). The study followed them for 15 years, and those that ate more than 2.3 grams of cocoa a day had lower blood pressure than those that didn't. Researchers believe it is the flavanol component of cocoa that provides this beneficial effect.

Before thinking this is a green light to eat lots of chocolate, you'll need about 100 grams of dark chocolate a day to get the blood pressure benefits. That equates to an extra 500 calories per 100 grams, with an average fat content of 30%. Raw cocoa is not well taken by people when it is eaten in large amounts. The calorie and fat considerations need to be taken into account, although there are some chocolate bars out there that have a higher flavanol content

By Rebecca Prescott

Yoga Exercise - Helps !

Who would not like to learn yoga for free? Just like everyone, you too would be interested in doing this set of free yoga exercises that are meant just for you! These free yoga exercises will instruct you on how to practice yoga; you just need to follow the instructions carefully and with confidence.

Yoga is a series of different types of exercises which should be practiced regularly to improve an individual's health. Yoga increases the vital flow of energy and gives a peace of mind. The free exercises given below are nothing but different poses which need to be practiced correctly.

Yoga is also a way of living life. It includes performing daily routine activities at a regular time everyday. Consider the habit of getting up in the morning. In yoga, the daily routine starts with having the a fixed procedure of practice everyday in three points; first, Japa meaning chanting some mantra over and over to maintain the same consciousness; second, study by reading some yoga scripts; and third, meditation which should be performed at a fixed time in a fixed place everyday.

The initial pose of these free yoga exercises should be the Corpse pose, and be repeated between other asana (yoga poses) and as a final relaxation. This pose looks easy and it’s really good too. But it should be used for more than relaxing. You should use this pose for meditation while allowing your mind to gain strength and relax.

Start these yoga exercises with the warm up exercises to relax and prepare your muscles for the next exercises. After warm up you can perform the shoulder lifts the natural following exercise and the eye exercise, which can improve your eyesight and prevent tiredness. For the next exercises you can practice sun salutation which will stretch all your body muscles, this to prepare for the much more difficult exercises. Try also leg raise, which will tone your leg muscles, giving you more endurance and improved flexibility; head stand pose is also good for resting some of your organs such as heart.

Once you prepare your mind and body for more difficult yoga exercise, get going in the following manner.

Start with the bridge and plough poses; this will increase your back's flexibility. Initially, you may find it difficult to attain the final position. But with practice you will be able to reach this "asana". At first you will not be able to do it perfectly, but remember it’s important to try to reach the perfect position and train your body to eventually reach the perfectly balanced position.

After this pose, try the forward bend pose to stimulate the nervous system. Then you can attempt the fish pose, it tones the chest muscles and lungs.

Next pose is called cobra pose. Women who suffer from menstrual problems can try the cobra pose, it stimulates the pelvic and lower abdomen area, improving the circulation and massaging the internal organs.

If you want to strengthen the lower back, then you should try the locust pose. Locust pose is also known to help prevent constipation.

The bow is another pose that will help your back area remain strong and flexible at the same time and abdominal fat my also be reduced if proper diet is applied. Furthering this yoga exercise you can try the half spinal twist pose for your spines.

Breathing is a very important aspect in practicing yoga. You can learn proper way of breathing and improve on it by practicing the crow pose. With this pose, you can improve your joints and arm strength too. Then you can try the hands to feet pose and the triangle. This pose requires your body’s strength and flexibility.

At the end of all these poses, make sure that you perform the corpse pose to regain any energy that has been lost during these free yoga exercise and also to give rest to your body.

You can try all these free yoga exercises one by one and see for yourself which ones work the best for you. Once you know the poses that benefit you the most, just make sure that you do not overstretch yourself in doing those exercises and that you follow the same set of exercises regularly.

Get 5 free yoga lessons that will in teaching you a few popular yoga postures. Get them now by visiting yoga exercise training. More advice on yoga and other health and fitness issues can be found at free yoga tips.

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